Factoring - Frequently Asked Questions

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Factoring is a financial transaction in which a business sells its invoices (accounts receivable) to a factor at a discount. A business will often factor their invoices to raise capital in order to meet its present and future cash needs. A company that provides factoring services is called a "factoring company".

Factoring can increase your cash flow so that you have more money available for operations and expansion. You may make better credit decisions because a professional third party is screening your customer's credit strength. Your administrative costs may be reduced because the factoring company provides billing and collections services.
The financial strength of your customers and their payment performance determine the limit of funding available to you.
Click HERE and fill out the form. We will contact you with a quote via telephone or email.
We can usually start providing funding within a few days.
If your customer doesn't pay an invoice that you have factored within the agreed upon days, you must "buy back" the invoice. Please see our factoring terms for more information.
Invoice Factoring
Receivable Financing
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